The Unification Church/Moonies

The founder and leader of the Unification Church is Sun Myung Moon. Moon was born in Korea on January 6, 1920 during the period when Korea was ruled by Japan. During his early years his parents followed Confucianism, but in 1930 converted to Christianity and became members of…
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Conversation with a Nihilist

In the following dialog, I have a conversation with a person who wanted to challenge belief in a Christian worldview. “The Nihilistic Potato” began this conversation based on a video I had posted on YouTube. This video was called “Can Atheists Be Moral?” You can view it at: The…
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What is the “Real” Church? Part 2

In the previous installment I mentioned how, in the 19th century, one very intense debate among Christian groups was over the answer to the question: What is the real church? One denomination would claim it was the true New Testament Church. Another would say it was the true inheritor of…
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Citizenship Stewardship

Well, the election is over and we are now in the process of moving forward to the next phase of political life in America. I hope you voted. Regardless of your personal point of view, if you are a Christian, you have a responsibility to vote in every election. When…
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