I recently received an e-mail from an Atheist which was an attempt to drum up support for the Atheist cause. This was not something personal to me, but was a blast e-mail advertising his website: http://www.bigbangnonono.com.

Below is the e-mail in its entirety. My reason for sharing this is that the arguments this guy puts forth are quite likely things you will hear other Atheists repeating. The entire logic of the argument is flawed on so many levels and, following the text of the e-mail, I will point those out.


Atheists Please Unite!
All Atheists Really Must See This!

—- Matter and Energy has “always existed” . . . Period. —-

Even Einstein declared that they cannot be created nor destroyed. So if you’re an atheist please listen very closely. The end of an era has come!

We as atheists are sick and tired of having religious people laugh at us. We’re sick and tired of defending the most ridiculous theory in the world . . .

The truly delusional Big-Bang theory.

The universe did not originate out of “nothingness” via some stupidly insane Big-Bang theory! For pity sake, even a moron knows that “nothingness” cannot experience a bang. And so what’s reality? What’s the alternative? Well look closely and please think deeply. Pure Logic is the alternative, it’s very very simple; The universe has “always existed” . . . Period.

It’s the evolution of TIME (planets orbiting) that began to deceive us into thinking that the universe has to have a beginning. We know (via our reality) that Time is going on into infinity. And that means that it also “came from” infinity. Very important. The universe is not bound by Time. The universe has always existed, period.

There is no need – whatsoever – to concoct some idiotic Big-Bang theory. No reason at all to explain where humans or life or matter came from. Atheists need to stand bold and unite. Matter and Energy and everything necessary for life has “always existed”. And if something has always existed, do we need to slob around attempting to formulate an answer to the wretchedly redundant question; “Where did everything come from?”? Of course not!

If I’m holding a rock in my hand and I educate you that it has always existed, since infinite time in the past, and it’s going to be around for infinite time in the future, do I need to stoop and concoct some ridiculous fairytale as to “What created the rock?” NO! It has ALWAYS existed … Period! When things don’t have “beginnings” and “ends”, there’s no need to entertain juvenile thoughts of “Where did it all come from?”.

IF . . . you understand this, please help us. We are in a new era of atheism and need to unite this world. We can’t be presenting ourselves as buffoons to the religious world. We’re asking you for a puny $10 to assist us in spreading this HISTORIC awakening. 3 months from now you certainly won’t be hurting that you gave 10 dollars, so why hesitate? Or?

Please don’t allow the “I’m losing something” illusion to keep you from helping us educate the world. Atheists are not lone warriors. We’re in this together. We’re in a war against false religions. Please think logically and hit this Donate button. The Big-Bang is as juvenile as the easter bunny. We need help to educate Atheists.

Please Help. We appreciate your courage! Trust us, you will not “miss” your 10 bucks one little bit.

The kinds of things addressed on this website typify many of the arguments Atheists make in dialogues I have had with them. Let’s take this proclamation section by section and look at what is wrong with it.

1. Matter and Energy has “always existed” . . . Period. Even Einstein declared that they cannot be created nor destroyed.
Naturalism asserts that the natural universe is all that exists, so natural laws must be able to explain everything in existence. As such, according to the presuppositions Atheists work from, there must be a scientific explanation for everything – even the existence of matter and energy. The only problem is, this argument is an article of FAITH. There is no science to demonstrate our Atheist’s assertion to be true. Atheists can quote Einstein or any other scientist they want, but it does not change the facts. Assertions and declarations are not science. This is a religious statement, not a scientific one.

2. We’re sick and tired of defending the most ridiculous theory in the world . . . The truly delusional Big-Bang theory. The universe did not originate out of “nothingness” via some stupidly insane Big-Bang theory! For pity sake, even a moron knows that “nothingness” cannot experience a bang. And so what’s reality? What’s the alternative? Well look closely and please think deeply. Pure Logic is the alternative, it’s very very simple; The universe has “always existed” . . . Period.
In one way, it is quite interesting that an Atheist is slamming the Big-Bang theory. It is a naturalistic explanation for how the universe came to be the way it is, and the scientific data which does exist gives a great deal of support to the idea that there was a point in time when all matter and energy erupted from a single point.

But whether or not the theory is true is not really relevant to the mistake this Atheist is making. There are actually a couple of assumptions being made here which lead to logical problems which cannot be overcome.

First, this person is assuming that the Big-Bang theory proves creation. His idea is that before the Big-Bang, there had to have been nothing and thus a god would have had to create the material and the circumstances which allowed for and caused the Big-Bang. So, to dismiss the idea of God, he is dismissing the idea of the Big-Bang. There is a certain logic to his assertion, but there are several massive flaws. The first flaw is that Naturalists who believe in the Big-Bang speculate beyond what this person is willing to do. They acknowledge the Big-Bang, but also say that the matter and energy which caused it existed before – even if they don’t know how it got into a position to Bang. The second flaw in his argument is that there is no science to back up his assertion. He simply proposes what the Big-Bangers propose without the Bang – that matter and energy is eternal. He claims that he is using “pure logic” to back up his point of view, but his logic is not based on any kind of empirical foundation. He BELIEVES it because he cannot imagine it could be any other way. In other words, this is a religious argument, not a scientific one.

3. It’s the evolution of TIME (planets orbiting) that began to deceive us into thinking that the universe has to have a beginning. We know (via our reality) that Time is going on into infinity. And that means that it also “came from” infinity. Very important. The universe is not bound by Time. The universe has always existed, period.
His assertion that the universe is not bound by Time but has always existed is another statement of faith. There is no science to back this up. It is another religious statement.

4. There is no need – whatsoever – to concoct some idiotic Big-Bang theory. No reason at all to explain where humans or life or matter came from. Atheists need to stand bold and unite. Matter and Energy and everything necessary for life has “always existed”. And if something has always existed, do we need to slob around attempting to formulate an answer to the wretchedly redundant question; “Where did everything come from?”? Of course not!
At this point, the argument becomes rather circular – even nonsensical. He asserts that: 1) there is no need to “concoct” a Big-Bang theory, 2) there is no reason to explain where humans, life, or matter, come from, 3) matter, energy and everything necessary for life has always existed, and 4) based on his conclusion, we don’t need to even try to answer those questions. In other words, this guy is saying, “I know without any evidence whatsoever that the natural universe, life and consciousness came into existence naturally, so it is stupid to even try to show that is true.” I don’t know about you, but this is one of the most ridiculous arguments I have ever heard. It is the argument that everything can be explained by science but we don’t need to explain it because we know it is true. Once again, this is not a scientific argument, it is a religious one.

5. If I’m holding a rock in my hand and I educate you that it has always existed, since infinite time in the past, and it’s going to be around for infinite time in the future, do I need to stoop and concoct some ridiculous fairytale as to “What created the rock?” NO! It has ALWAYS existed … Period! When things don’t have “beginnings” and “ends”, there’s no need to entertain juvenile thoughts of “Where did it all come from?”.
The very idea of eternal existence has no scientific foundation at all. It is a matter of faith. It really seems weird that this person continues to argue for an absolute dependence on empiricism to explain the existence of all of reality, and he does it using purely religious (faith based) arguments. But that is exactly what he is doing.

6. IF . . . you understand this, please help us. We are in a new era of atheism and need to unite this world. We can’t be presenting ourselves as buffoons to the religious world. We’re asking you for a puny $10 to assist us in spreading this HISTORIC awakening. 3 months from now you certainly won’t be hurting that you gave 10 dollars, so why hesitate?
These are the people who criticize Christians for asking other Christians to financially support their ministries. What he is doing here is asking those who believe the religion of Atheism to support his evangelistic efforts by sending money. He thinks that he will be able to unite all Atheists around the idea of the “eternal existence of the universe,” and that this proves that Naturalism is true. The crazy thing is, he really believes that he is giving empirical justification for his beliefs. He doesn’t even realize that he is making a religious argument.

7. Please don’t allow the “I’m losing something” illusion to keep you from helping us educate the world. Atheists are not lone warriors. We’re in this together. We’re in a war against false religions. Please think logically and hit this Donate button. The Big-Bang is as juvenile as the easter bunny. We need help to educate Atheists.
He truly believes that the enemy is comprised of the people who believe in God and he calls their faith “false religions.” Seriously, he doesn’t even realize that he is making his case based on religious arguments and that his own beliefs fit into the fantasy category he accuses others of using.

Atheism’s Religious Core
If you ever get into a discussion with an Atheist about faith matters, just know up front that they honestly believe, with all their hearts, that their beliefs are based on scientific fact. In their minds, they equate science with naturalistic belief. The are truly unable to make a distinction between the two.

As such, when you want to share Christ with them, it will be necessary to first make them understand that what they are asserting is not science, but religious belief. You may have to repeat yourself numerous times and explain over and over again how what they believe is not science. But if you are persistent, you should eventually be able to get through.

The reason it is so hard for Atheists to come to this realization is because they cannot imagine reality structured any other way than what their naturalistic presuppositions allow. They consider belief in God to not reflect reality. They believe that since the natural universe is all that exists, its existence MUST have a natural explanation. The very idea that it doesn’t simply does not compute. It does not even dawn on them that they are making their defense based on religious (faith based) arguments.

The means for breaking through an Atheist’s resistence to faith in Christ is to force them to see the faith nature of their own arguments. For most people, it will take patience and persistence, but it can be done.

© 2015 Freddy Davis

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