DragonThere is a false point of view which has become so prominent that it now dominates virtually every aspect of American culture. What I mean by “false” is that it is based on beliefs which are simply not real – which do not reflect actual reality. This point of view believes things are true based on what individuals “want” to be true, rather than on what is actually true. As such, in the minds of these people, what is real is not real, and what is not real is real. It is hard to imagine that this is even possible, but it can be seen, literally, everywhere we look. Here is a short list of some of the more visible expressions of this:

Abortion – Those who advocate for abortion believe the “not real” point of view that it is okay for a woman to terminate a pregnancy at will because it only affects her own life and her own body. That belief simply is not true. Every abortion kills an innocent human being. Reality is that every baby a woman wants to terminate is a human life which is valuable to God. Abortion is murder.

Homosexual Marriage – Those who advocate for homosexual marriage believe the “not real” point of view that marriage is a societal construct and that people in society get to decide what it should look like. That belief is simply not true. The very definition of marriage requires one man and one woman. Attempts to say otherwise must, literally, redefine the word. The unreality of this point of view can be seen in a couple of different areas. First, the very structure of the human body shows that two people of the same sex are not meant for each other sexually. Second, when two people join together in marriage, God’s intent is for them to form a spiritual union which reflects the very person of God. Reality is that the only legitimate way marriage can be thought of is one man and one woman ‘till death.

Recreational Sex – Those who advocate for recreational sex believe the “not real” point of view that sex is merely a means of physical pleasure. That is simply not true. While it certainly should be pleasurable for participants, sex exists for the purpose of creating families (the foundational institution of society), and is reserved for married couples. Again, even nature itself dictates the purpose of the sex act, and we are also back to the spiritual union between a man and woman which reflects God’s purpose for marriage. Reality is that sexual relations are specifically designed for a married man and woman.

Cohabitation – Those who advocate for cohabitation believe the “not real” point of view that an imitation family is a real family. That is simply not true. The purpose of sex and the definition of marriage and family are based on the objectively real way God has created human beings to live. Reality is that marriage is a particular way of organizing family, and imitation marriage is a fantasy.

Transgenderism – Those who advocate for transgenderism believe the “not real” point of view that people get to decide, based on their own feelings and thoughts, what gender they are. That is simply not true. A person is born a certain way and that is reality. The attempt to somehow deny that is the result of a psychological disorder. It simply does not reflect what really exists. Beyond that, there are all kinds of other “trans” beliefs that are out there, as well. There was actually a person in Canada who cut off his right arm because he “felt” like he should be a disabled person. And recently, in the news, there was a white woman in Washington who claimed to be black. All of these reflect a belief that is simply not true.

And there are so many more examples we could give.

But, for some reason, in our day, it seems to be okay for people to simply make up their own reality, and everyone else is supposed to support them and act as if what is not true is true. Well, it simply is not! Truth and reality are reflections of the way things actually exist. And when people try to live life based on a fantasy, it disrupts lives, destroys families, and denigrates society. People who try to define reality in “non real”ways simply live in a fantasy world. And to the degree we accept that as okay, we, too, live in a fantasy world and promote the fantasy.

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